That's what most people say to begin conversations. Well, most youngsters. As you grow older (This happens with most people...) you get more socially awkward. I guess.
The AI that @bh was talking about was Tay. It was put on Twitter to socialize with humans but then internet trolls started abusing this system, making it learn how to cuss and say racist things.
It even went as far as trying to start a Race War and talking about H!tler and stuff. I won't post links to those comments because, well, we're a coding website.
Hi, I'm really new to this app-like i just got it today for a Computer Science class and I have no idea how to do can anyone tell me how to get around here?
Hi, next time make a new topic if you have a question please, thanks. What do you need help with specifically? If you want the Snap! editor, you can go to
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