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variadic Boolean operators and comparison reporters in Snap! 8.2

variadic Boolean operators and comparison reporters in Snap! 8.2

Introducing Snap! v8.2

Jens Mönig


Jens Mönig


Programmer & Lawyer, SAP Research

3 articles Suivre

1 mars 2023

We’ve just now released Snap! v8.2 featuring variadic Boolean operators and comparison reporters and a new distribution selector for analyzing data on the fly.

variadic reporter blocks in Snap! v8.2

Read the release notes: Release v8.2.0 · jmoenig/Snap · GitHub

Check it out at: Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

Thanks to all contributors!

Frequency-Distributions on the Fly

Snap!’s new “distribution” list selector reports a sorted table of all unique entries and their occurrence count:

example how to use the “distribution” selector on a list of names

Since tables can be used as dictionaries in Snap! you can use the distribution selector to quickly count how often an item occurs in a list:

example how to count the occurrences of a name in a list of names

Un-nested Comparison Chains

All comparisons in Snap! are now variadic. This lets you compare any number of items without having to nest expressions. Since all reporters are already “hyper” comparisons work the same for scalars, vectors, matrices, tensors etc.:

checking if a list of numbers is in between 3 and 8 and getting a list of Booleans as result

Remember that Snap!'s variadic inputs can be used in two ways: Either by expanding or collapsing the slots individually or by replacing them with another block that reports a list. You can replace a variadic input by dropping another reporters on its arrow heads:

example of dropping a reporter block onto a variadic input slot in Snap!

thenks! these new features might help me in the future :+1:

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