I need help with my project

I am doing a projekt for school, but there is a bug and I dont know how to fix it.
I would like to do a endless runner, like the dino in chrome, with different maps and self made skins.
Untill yesterday the programm works just fine, but since I opened it in school nothing works.
When I press on the green flag the programm crashes and thats really bad.

[Link to external chat removed by moderator.]

Well, could you send a link to the project?


Can you make sure to share it?

Now every green flag conected block is conected to the press of "r"

Well, I can't access it, sense the project isn't shared.

I shared it now...
I think I shared it now.

Yep, it is.

Hi, welcome to the forum!

Sorry, but you're not allowed to link to chat sites that we don't moderate. People who want to help you will post suggestions here, on this thread.

Well, since it's a school project,i'm not going to do it for you. But I will try to point you in the right direction. The obstacles seem to clone themselves, so maybe you could try fixing that.

look here !

think about that

ok thank you


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