I need help with data analysis for a survey project

u2 survey project- I have all the data but I need to analyze it and because my answers are colors not numbers I can't just take the average number

Can you give us some more information on your data and what you'd want to do with it.

Is this for an assignment?

yeah it is a school assignment.
basically I have a list of colors and I need to make some sort of questions like this:

  1. Come up with three simple questions that you want to answer using the data that you collectFor example: If you asked “How many books have you read so far this month?” you could analyze the data to answer the following research questions:
  • What is the average number of books people have read so far this month?
  • What is the maximum number of books people have read so far this month?
  • How many people have read at least two books this month?
  1. Come up with two more complex questions that you want to answer using the data that you collect.Following up from the previous examples, you could analyze the data to answer research questions similar to:
  • How does the average number of books people have read so far this month differ between grades?
  • How does the number of people who have read at least two books this month differ between grades?

the problem is I don't know how to analyze my data because my answers are not numerical. I don't know what questions I would ask and how I would create this analysis

If you have a lot of colors as your data, you could analyze how often each color appears in the list, for example. Then you have numbers.

I don't know how to do that

Why don't you show us five or ten values in your data.


I have an idea. Why not convert colours into unique numbers or even ID's? Like:

Red = 1
Orange = 2
Green = 3

You just need to program something like this in.

Try the Crayons lib.

Yeah there we go!

I don't think either of those suggestions is really on point. This is the 21st Century; computers are perfectly capable of handling symbolic information (such as color names) without having to convert them to small integers. And the assignment isn't to display the actual colors, but rather to answer questions, such as "which color is most popular?"

Your teacher gave you this script:

If you click on it, you'll see that it reports a list of unique color names, in order of popularity. So that tells you already which colors are the most popular and the least popular. (Your classmates have bad taste; hardly anyone likes orange! :stuck_out_tongue: )

Once you have that list, you should be able to make a list of the numbers of times each color is chosen:
You could use that to give better answers; for example, note that there is actually a tie for least popular color. With the same techniques, you could construct subsets of the original data to answer questions such as "what is the most popular color among seniors?"

Sadly, your survey data don't include the student's gender, so you can't answer such questions as "what percentage of girls [or boys] like blue [or pink]?" (That's four questions altogether.) I think those are more interesting questions, because they might give some insight into the effects of gender stereotyping, whereas "what's the most popular color" really doesn't give me, at least, much insight into anything at all.

Are primary colors more or less popular than other colors?

Analyze the survey data with categorical color responses by creating a frequency distribution, identifying the mode, calculating percentage distribution, exploring cross-tabulations for multiple variables and visualizing the results through charts like pie charts or bar graphs.

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