I need help with two small games that I know anyone who knows a little bit about Snap! could easily help me complete and I have to have it completed by tomorrow please somebody help!!!
Welcome to Snap!, @alexgp! What issues are you running into with making your games?
You should change the title of the topic so it does not include your Discord username, as arranging off-site meetings is against the Forum's rules. See this post.
Please, do not promote off-site meetings here.
What kind of games are you making?
Would-be helpers please remember the guidelines on helping with homework.
What problems are you having?
Is this for a class, like APCSP?
Can you at least show us the games you need help with?
doesnt seem so desperate for help
Well, we're probably too late to help him now. He said it has to be completed tommorow and that means on May 17th. It's May 20.
ye ik