I made 2 new nightcore songs

It's Nightcore!: Packs Land title theme music

The title theme music from "Packs Land", a game made by pan-European computer game developer and publisher "magnussoft", but nightcored.

It's Nightcore!: Packs Land ingame music

The ingame music from "Packs Land", a game made by pan-European computer game developer and publisher "magnussoft", but nightcored.

What do you think?

Why do you expect to get praise from just taking a song and playing it at a higher frequency?

Because I want to spread awareness that the game "Packs Land", a game made by pan-European computer game developer and publisher "magnussoft", exists.

How does making a song of theirs nightcore achieve that goal, though?

Do you remember the game "Packs Land"? It is a 3D puzzle game inspired by Pac-Man made by pan-European computer game developer and publisher "magnussoft".

cool projects, i like them