I can edit my posts in closed topics

It depends on the topic.


Notice this is a bug report and not a collaboration or such, while collaborations most certainly would dry out if they had no activity in a month a bug report may be active or unfixed for a long time before it is fixed or may be needed for future reference.

I'm pretty sure it is discouraged on the scratch forums

Really? Give me a forum site that is okay with necroposting (no offence btw)

https://ask.replit.com/ unless your necropost is unrelated then it’s not really discouraged. I’ve seen people necropost on year old topics and month old topics and it’s fine as long as it’s on topic.

https://forum.codergautam.dev/ system literally bumps topics (system Necroposting encrouaged) and people do it all the time.

I don’t use the Scratch forums.

okay i see your point