How to use an RGB value as input to the TOUCHING? block

The TOUCHING? block allows setting the color from a palette. I don't see how to specify the color as an RGB value. I try to put a list as an into the block, but it won't go.

Welcome to the forum, tempel!

Here's how you place an RGB value in the touching [#1067DA] ? block:

untitled script pic (67)

Replace 16,103,218 with the RGB format.

[#49ff30], huh til you can put hex codes into snap blocks

You can also use rgb values if you don't want to use a hex converter.

[rgb(73, 255, 48)]
[rgb(73, 255, 48)]

(hex works in scratchblocks, but rgb is unique to snapblocks)

why does it put it in a cap block instead of the default "other" command, or even better, by itself?

I tried using this with set background color to [rgb(0, 0, 0)] to make the stage transparent but it only turns it completely black :frowning:

Honestly, I'm not sure, since it doesn't happen outside the forum.

it doesn't happen anywhere else? weird, wonder why the fourm

I think the OP was talking about actually programming in Snap!, rather than about posting on the forum.

This is how to use @ten_6044 suggestion

untitled script pic (83)

to check for touching a pure red colour

I was replying to @mr_owlssssnap2, which I read it as "you can put hex codes into snapblocks", but now that I reading it again, I have no idea what they were trying to say.

You read it correctly the first time