How to translate Snap! website

I am currently working on improving the Polish translation of the Snap! editor and libraries. However, I can't find any reference to the website (I've looked in other translation files and documentation).

Sorry about the delay.

Here you have the localization files for the website. Not all strings are in there, but most of them are:

For instance, we're missing all long texts from the pages linked in the footer (ToS, DMCA, Privacy, etc).

Let me know if you need any further info!

Thank you, Bernat!

Yes, now it's hardly surprising that I didn't find the localization files for the Snap*!* website when I didn't look at the site's footer!
In this situation I'll use the en.lua file as a template, and when I'm done I'll send you the PR on GitHub.

By the way, what order are the different languages in the dropdown menu when you click the :globe_with_meridians: symbol in the top bar of the page?

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