How to import an XML?

How many scenes?

As many as you need

Sorry, I have a problem with Crash Snap! blocks blocks...

chrome os :smiley:

Just put it in one project!!!
Also, every scene is a different project btw

OK, I put all the blocks in a single project:

Edit: Well... almost :neutral_face:

There is absolutely no way those are all of your projects...

He likes to keep his projects on his computer, that's why he shares the xml of the projects instead of a link.

Absolute mad man
I only store projects on my PC if I'm offline.

Same. Well, I only store my snap projects online, but I like to use turbowarp for scratch projects, so I save scratch projects on my computer, but I do setup a way for me to also store it online (github and google drive). All my other projects are saved offline, and/or on github.


I still don't understand. XML is always text.

Yeah, but you have to save it as TXT/XML to then import it to Snap!!

Well, snap actually doesn't check the file extension, so I think you can save it under any file extension and it would work (didn't test this)

Why would it ever have an extension other than XML? It's an XML file, right?

I am still completely not understanding why you want to complicate something that just works when you drag the file onto the Snap! window.

Hi Brian
The issue is that due to personal preference, scratchmodification doesn't want to clutter up their cloud account with projects.

They save them locally to their machine and import them for their own use.

So when they wish to share a block/project that they've made - they paste the XML into the forum

This means that anyone wanting to try the block/script out, has to save the XML text before they are able to import it in to use it.

Because this is not a common practice for most Snappers - these tutorials have been written to try to explain the process to other Snappers

Ah, thanks! That makes more sense now.

It is pretty much the same on any operating system. Open any text editor, copy the line into the file, and save it as .xml. If you are on a chromebook, you can instead use google docs, download as a .txt, and rename it to .xml.

I can be an XML file, but it can also be a TXT file, an HTML file, etc. It only matters if the data inside said file is XML strings.

Fine, you win. Make sure to paste the link to this tutorial in every showcase, though.