How to get pi without remembering the digits of pi!

You don't have to memorize the digits of Pi (π) to get the actual value. Just do this:

Then tada! You got the digits of pi.

I'm not sure why this can happen but this is cool.

that's amazing ! before coming across this, i had 2 ways to remember pi.

  1. solve this - it's ok to six decimal places and ti's somewhat easy to remember:


  1. count the number of letters per word of this rhyme:
now i will a rhyme construct
of circle parts, the young instruct

It actually makes sense:

  1. When Snap! calculates trigonometric functions (such as untitled script pic-12) it assumes the input is in degrees.
  2. Since 360 degrees (a full circle) corresponds to 2π radians, e.g. 180.10-20 degrees corresponds to π.10-20 radians.
  3. For really small x, i.e. close to 0, sin (x) approaches x (in radians).

Combining these insights: sindegrees (180.10-20 ) = sinradians (π.10-20) ≈ π.10-20.

Theoretically, the closer your argument (= the input of sin) approaches 0, the better π is approximated. However, Snap! (or any other programming language) doesn't calculate with infinite precision - and for any practical purposes that's good enough.

What if you had to then memorise the amount of zeroes of these extreme numbers?

I feel like "How to calculate pi" would be a slightly better name.

That's is kind of cool, but there might be some sort grammar error, but it's still pi!

Irony hits hard, man.

If need be, here are the numbers so you can copy and paste to a real calculator.
There are 16 zeroes following the decimal for the first number (and I'm sure it's in degrees) and there are 19 zeroes after the 1 in the second number.

your best bet is to type the digits manually. Also the formula for pi is a known formula, just extremely inefficient in code

if working with radians, you can use 2×acos(0)

If you use this technique, you are welcome, no credit required.

This technique does not work in Scratch, due to Scratch 3.0 glitches:
Screenshot 2024-04-16 114224

that's poetic license.
Poetic license is like a special permission that writers and poets have to break the usual rules. Imagine you’re playing a game where you can create your own rules to make the game more fun; that’s what poets do with words. They might change how words are normally used or mix up facts to make their stories or poems more interesting. It’s all about being creative and not worrying too much about sticking to the rules!

i should have written it as

now, i will , a rhyme, construct -
of circle parts, the young instruct

the author was trying to say "i will create a poem - now - about parts of a circle, (in order) to teach the young"

that's a perfectly grammatical poem to me.

ps. here are some other ways to remember pi

The last digit will round to 9 but yeah, that's a niche way of remembering the first 12 digits of Pi.

from my experimenting, i got that as x approaches infinity, sin(18÷xx approaches pi.

I think that's the point, sin(18) is SUPPOSED to be pi, but because of rounding, computer storage of numbers, etc., it's not shown as pi, but division and multiplication canceling each other out, as x approaches infinity, then yes, sin(18/x)*x approaches pi.

?? What?