How do you get Snap blocks on the forums?

say [hello!] :: events

{I am new to snap :: custom} :: events ring

Hi did you mean "/scratchblocks" the second time?

True, forgot


The orange grey ring is cute.

Hi, welcome to the community! :wave:

EDIT: I just edited my post. That was definitely a grey ring.

ORIGNAL: That isn’t a grey ring. In Scratchblocks on the scratch forums, you can put blocks inside of blocks

[scratchblocks] ({orange ring}::ring variables)[/scratchblocks]

Thanks :wave: :cowboy_hat_face:

A hat and a (hat and a (hat and a (hat and a :: grey hat):: grey hat) :: grey hat) :: grey hat
Cap and a (hat and a (hat and a (hat and one last (hat :: grey hat) :: grey hat) :: grey hat) :: grey hat) :: cap

when ({ring clicked :: events} :: grey ring) :: custom hat
forever if <(RINGS RULE :: control stack) :: grey ring> {
play sound [RINGS ARE DA BEST v]
} else {
scream [WHYYYYYYYYYYYY] with a grimm face :: looks
} :: control cap


define BOOOOOM
launch({BOOOOOM}::grey ring)::control
run(JSF()[alert("Yo Lo Lo Lo Lo")]::operators)::control

I’m pretty sure I was, too; certainly for the first version of scratchblocks, the one that was almost entirely CSS. (Nowadays the renderer’s all written in SVG.)

It’s a weird project, because I keep coming back to it every few years, each time rewriting it all in a much better way; which is an interesting way to see how far you’ve grown as a programmer :sweat_smile:

Guilty. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe one of these days I’ll add an alias…

(Oops, I shouldn’t be replying to a closed topic. Hopefully Brian will forgive me :sweat_smile:)

closed unofficially

Hey, if you're into programming in picture formats, I have a more important application than scratchblocks: When someone clicks "script pic" or "result pic," the resulting picture file should include the (serialized) script itself as metadata. This is for the benefit of our project (any time now, mostly written, by @djdolphin) to translate help screens automatically to whatever (human) language Snap! is using. We can do the text, but not the pictures.

Brian, I’ve been lurking here less than a day! You can’t already be trying to nerdsnipe me. :stuck_out_tongue: