ok so I was making a cloud thing but I was confused "how do I upload and download files with JS?" I was looking on google, but none of them worked in the snap editor. can anyone help me?
There are blocks to do this in
when they say "upload files" I think they mean, "upload them to an external server". Also, you could just link them to the File import library instead of your custom blocks project.
yes i meant that
is there any external servers that i can send stuff to?
make your own with replit or something
https://transfer.sh, but uploads only stay up for 14 days
but how do you do it with javascript?
to get files you can use fetch
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));
to send files you can probably send a POST or PUT request using an XMLHttpRequest
i say "probably" because i think it is up to the server to decide what happens on a POST or PUT request
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("POST", "https://www.example.com/");
You can also send POST or PUT requests with fetch
pumpkinhead already mentioned that.
I didn't have that link
upload is easy, use:
let i = document.createElement("input")
i.type = "file"
// when clicked
//use a filereader api to read the file
let fr = new FileReader()
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileReader for filereader
download is harder,
You gotta make a Blob object and attach it onto a <a> tag
Blob - Web APIs | MDN for more details
I didn't either. I just searched on the forum, "file import" and in the results was "File import library".
No, download is loads easier.
Take a look:
var lnk = document.createElement('a');
lnk.href = (URL||webkitURL).createObjectURL(new Blob([contents])); // assuming contents is a var with the contents
lnk.download = 'test.jpg'; // name + . + extension
with the block in the
with all website except snap.berkeley.edu it just reports nothing
im trying to use it in snap
edit: i will try again
wait button tag does not work?
You need to define a variable or function parameter called data
and assign to it the data you want to send.
Same thing (
Only a subset of HTML can be used on the forum (i.e. iframe
for Snap! projects and text-formatting ones like p
, h1
, b
, i
, strike
, em
, etc. [maybe more?])