How do I put a picture on Snap Programing Language while coding?

I need help with this:
I don't know how I can put pictures or gifs on my coding site.
I haven't tried any types of ways but I press costumes and try to paste it on a new board but it didn't work? How do I do this???
Please help me how to do it!

I need help but can't understand how to do it.

You can drag and drop your images into the snap editor, or you can click file 17388038758016690828517426312719 > import

Thank you so much!

By the way, what if I want to upload it? When I press the file... Never mind

Thank you to the ones replying for me while I ask the question!

ego-lay_atman-bay is my most knowledged man!!!

Wait, it says that the picture is a BACKGROUND and not a PICTURE

Are you trying to import it as one of the stage's costumes?
If it says your file is going to be a background, it just means it'll change the stage's appearance rather than a sprite's.

Alright. Thank you so much!

No problem, and welcome to Snap!

Thank you!

I know this is not helping but I’m curious. What are you
Trying to make?