How do I make libraries?

im wondering how to make libraries.

Press the file button left to the cloud button, press export blocks, select the blocks and press OK. Then in your project import them by pressing import. Only contributors on Github can add actually libraries to the "Libraries" section.

oh... trat

thanks tho!

No problem!

you can, by you cannot add in bookmar 'libraries'

I was gonna make some cuz I have a lot of custom blocks but I guess not.

With I know to make libraries, you must make... block and save in .xml . How speak @348663451y click the 'import' and choose file.


We'll eventually get around to making it possible to publish libraries on the community site the same as you can publish projects.

Very rarely, we adopt user-created libraries to make them official. "Try safely" was user-created, for example. We're less likely to adopt huge "here are all the custom blocks I made" libraries. My advice is not to aspire to that, but just make libraries you find useful and announce them in the forum.

Until we get around to publishable libraries, just make a project containing the library and nothing else, and then people can extract the blocks.

I rarely do a +1 but +1 in this case :slight_smile:

Also, PLEASE add some documentation and title the post appropriately - not "My great library blocks that do everything" :slight_smile:

Also, a screenshot of the blocks (preferably with some comments visible)

Also, highlight which blocks need JS enabling :slight_smile:

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