How do i make a reporter with a block that reports the ringified version

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Untitled script pic (1)

what do you mean? like a custom ring?

no, like

[scratchblocks] (ringify({ move (10) steps } @addInput:: #c0c0c0 ring):: grey [/scratchblocks]

edit1: but with a c-shape

You mean like this?
untitled script pic


Then that's super easy, as that's what a c-shape input reports.

Untitled script pic (55)

also with a

[scratchblocks] ({ b'lah b'lah b'lah :: #c0c0c0 } @addInput :: grey ring) [/scratchblocks]

idk wat you mean by

Umm. I don't think it's necessary to have this block, why not just wrap a ring around a block?

I'm sure they did.

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