How do I configure my e-brain?

According to the instructions, when we FIRST start, I am supposed to go to snap.html, connect to Robot-in-a-can wifi network, and then configure brain connection at the top right of the screen by entering IP address 168.... Where do we do this? Can someone send a screen shot of what this "top right of the screen" is supposed to look like? Thank you!

I think we need some context for this. What instructions? Is this from a curriculum for a course, or from some piece of hardware?

Welcome to the Snap Forums!
What you just said is very interesting...
Okay, @bh and I want to learn about electronic brains, but as @bh said, we do not know about those instructions you say, but you can send that so that we could read it with great confidence, also, we need more information, because we want to know that is what you're trying to tell us. :slightly_smiling_face:

I do not think you needed that quote* I also want to learn about electronic brains. The smarts of a computer.

Hello, to be more precise, we have a Robot-in-a-can which creates its own wi-fi network (not internet connected) but we use Snap to program it. In order to connect, however, it tells us to:

  • connect to Robot's wi-fi network (DONE)
  • configure Brain Connection (see my question above. Type, press OK and then we are "ready to start coding)

Okay, I looked up "Robot-in-a-can," and apparently they have their own modified version of Snap! that you're supposed to download. Did you do that, or are you connecting to the online Snap!?

This is what the instructions say:
You should have already downloaded the ‘Robot in
a Can Toolkit’ folder from
(This guide was in that folder.)
In that folder, locate a sub-folder titled ‘eBrain Snap’.
Locate and open Snap.html using Google Chrome.
In other words, it directs us to the online version, which doesn't seem to work?!

No, in that folder you downloaded, somewhere there should be a file called "snap.html" and that's what you're supposed to open in Chrome.

we've also tried the offline version, also doesn't work.

yeah that's what we did! the snap.html that is located in the folder, gives us an offline version but looks just like the online one.

Ah. Since I don't have their version, I have no idea what they mean, so please either post a screenshot or perhaps ask them for help!

Español: Este debería ser el sitio web, pero por desgracia, no puedo acceder a la página porque el sitio tiene un error de ortografía. :fearful:
English: This should be the website, but unfortunately, I can't enter to the page because the site have an orthographic error. :fearful:

I think he meant

so, from what I've seen (not tried, cause I don't have the robot), is, go download the the repository from GitHub - Robot-In-A-Can/eBrain-Snap: Latest version of Snap! ported for use with the Robot In A Can kit then extract the file, or just clone the repo in github desktop.

Then open the "Snap!.html" file in the web browser.

After that, it'll look something like this

there's a red "connect" button at the top right corner of the screen


when you click on it, you'll be prompted to enter the robot ip address.


idk what to do after that since I don't have the robot.

@ego-lay_atman-bay Thanks for the correct URL. :wink: :+1:t2:

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