Horror games. Are we allowed to make them?

Helloooo, just a few quick question(s):

1 (to the community): I've decided to work on a horror game, and wanted to know if anyone was available (By available I mean free to work on it)?

2: (to the Snap! moderators): Is there a limit to horror games? Like, is there some specific aspects we should or shouldn't add?

  • Anderson (Pax)

To answer the second question, I'd suggest not putting any gore into your game, and obviously, don't put depictions of certain things. Things that are NSFW. I don't wish to elaborate on what "NSFW" stuff is.

Oh dear. I guess we have to decide on a policy about this.

First of all, you can create any project you want. IANAL but I'm pretty sure that even if you store a project in our cloud (privately) it's none of our business what's in it. Maybe except for child pornography.

But if you publish a project, the rule is that we're trying for PG-13. Horror movies are generally R-rated, so they're out. Anything they do in the Saturday morning cartoons should be okay, which I think means you can flatten a character with a steamroller but they can't bleed.

But if everyone flags your project we'll probably agree with them.

I'm not personally a big fan of horror movies, myself, for what it's worth. But I'd be more likely to want to censor your project if it's racist or something than if it's gory. If it's preferentially violent toward female characters that would be problematic too.

Of course, I've never thought of putting anything that would come out as racist or extremely violent in any horror game. I have my own limits as well, and If it's too much, or if something is problematic, I'll gladly censor it / change it.