Help make an among us game (Part 8)

I didn't mute this topic.

ok can you make the websocket engine?

He has not made it. I think he’s gone.

either that or they just don't want to do it.

(btw you might want to change your post a bit cuz it's really dark(spooky) depending on how you read it)

I have.


@programmer_user how do I connect Snap! to this?

what is the url of the webscoket?

wss://<REPL_NAME>.<REPL_OWNER> Please fork and run your own instances for your seperate games.

wss:// ?

Yes, but please fork and run your own instance.

I dont have hacker plan, I cant use always on...

Use UpTimeRobot then.

dont have UpTimeRobot account

Then create one, it's free...

wait what is website monitoring

Doesn't matter.
Here is a guide on how to use UpTimeRobot with
Ignore the Flask server part and skip to the UpTimeRobot part.

Got it. Thanks!

Oh, i thought this was the penguin race project lmao wrong topic wrong topic