Help make an among us game (Part 3)

Can you not wait a few hours?

ok sorry

also please join the repl multiplayer I invited you to

they are probably doing school, chill.

my repl username is madpickle


I thought this was a snap project, not a repl project.

yes but we need a repl to make online games

in snap

me no can do

ok, your not a server side programmer, your job: make prime shields task

um. NooOoooOoOoOOooOoooOoOoOoOOOOOoo
I'm horrible at coding things and I'm horrible at making graphics that are not simple or not my style

maybe you can help with the in-game animations?

Well, I tried to do so in the last among us topic but it was not good enough.

oh, maybe you do sound effects? or maybe you can test the game to see if there are any bugs?

yeah @funtime_foxy101 can be a playtester

I can do that, since I love playing games and can tell very easily if there is something wrong with something

o k a y

I'm almost finished with the crewmate animations.

Nay Nay!

here are the results in pie chart form
sorry (I did include your vote)