Help for a swear word censor block

yeah, don't bet on it. I tend to look inside projects to see code, and I look at variable values, so I would look at the list. I think it might be better to use some kind of encoding on the words so people don't know what the words are, and some kind of complicated decoding so people won't really understand it, maybe in javascript?

Well I still recommend using whitelists, so people won't use "ssnnaapp" or similar if "snap" is blacklisted

They could add an algo* to detect runs of the same letter.
(*Does anybody else use that abbr?)

well runs of the same letter is not the only way to bypass, and I don't think I can enumerate them all.

you could also use x & y to evade the swear word ban

like, if scratch was a swear:

it's great, and I'm working on using a method that converts text to a hex sha 512 hash (using a block in dev mode) and compares it to the hex sha 512 hash conversion of the words in the blacklist since (what I've read) there's no way to convert back to text (or at least it's too complicated).

Maybe btoa it 50 times.

Whats an algo

Im just gonna go with the whitelist

HARRRRD, but its easier to find than every way a person can type swears:
For as_


How do i see it........

And, if i go with the whitelist,

Bc what if someone finds a way to use more than one whitelisted word as a bad word
Like butt(not a bad word(Like used in comedys or sonething else saying ------ my butt!))
And hole(also not a bad word)
(But when used together, is a bad word acting as as_hole

You kbow what maybe your option is easier but
HoW dO i DoWnLoAd It?

HoW dO i SeE tHe CoDe?

Wait, do you know how to make something that has a sepwrate list for all lookalike characters for a specific letter, and use that blacklist( :frowning: ) in just plain letters?

Like a list for s =
[s, $, 5, (section sign)]

from what I read, it can be used to encrypt passwords, which one time should be enough.


I know a lot of rude words to give you but I wouldn't as the snap! community should be nice to others and are trusted and expected to not be rude to others.

It filters the messages on the backend, which can be found at

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