Help creating the Tom horror game (Part 1)

I claim it.

I tried to make a bit of variety in the way they sound, using audio editing effects. It's in the assets/test project I made (Snap! Build Your Own Blocks)
Let me know what you think.

Okay, I've got a blurry image of what the story could be, I need a bit of help there..

I like it a lot it's very good.
Much better than what I did. Lol

-Level Design
-Storytelling @4cwefgtw9e587
-Character Design
-Voice Lines @helicoptur

yea sure, but i might make some stories that contains some blood

That's fine, just don't do excessive amounts..


Okay, thank you guys for helping me by the way. I really do appreciate it.

I'd also like to claim music and level design if that's okay.
(Edit: Actually not music, nevermind.)
(p.s. you should edit this post to include plaintext usernames rather than mentions because you can't have more than 2 mentions in a post.)
(p.p.s. also you should just have one "job organization" post per topic (if this gets enough replies to be multiple topics which it probably will) that you edit when someone joins rather than posting it again.)
(p.p.p.s. you should make it a wiki post so it can be edited by anyone to claim spots or whatever.)

Sure you can claim those things.
(Thanks, I'll keep that in mind)

-Level Design - helicoptur
-Storytelling - 4cwefgtw9e587
-Character Design - leothemisfit
-Music - helicoptur
-Voice Lines - helicoptur

I've had an idea for a new character, it could possibly be a woman who is a social worker or Foster Mother? She takes you to her own home? All I know is that she would be a character who would seem like a nice person, a person that would give Tom a sense of security.

Concept art (For that young character perhaps?)
costume1 (4)

Concept art for The Lady (Gonna call her Lisa for now..)
Untitled (3)

Have you guys made any progress with anything? It's okay if you haven't I'm just wondering..

I've been awaiting instructions on what to do.

Oh- okay, sorry..
You said you could make the music right?
If you could do that, it'd be great..
I just need some sad music, some frantic music, some suspense music, and some abstract, creepy music..
Also level design, all I need for right now is a very small house, the area outside of the house (they're in a poorer neighborhood.) and I think different road sprites (make them a bit longer as I think a cutscene where the player is in the car driving down the road.)

Hello. May I help with graphics? I am really good at pixel art and other things that aren't pixel art

Sure. We do need a bit of help in that area, thank you for helping us out!

I remixed the speech thing and made the mouth a bit better
I tried to make the mouth movement smoother but it didn't really work.

That's alright, it looks pretty good, my only little critique is, maybe can you make the mouth a little bit thicker? Like maybe 7 px?