When I go to import SciSnap v3 into a Snap! project, Snap! freezes on my machine before it can actually show me the blocks in the library, and I have to wait for it before I can import the library, at which point Snap! freezes again. The freeze after importing is expected and manageable, but it is annoying that Snap! freezes just after clicking on a library. I believe the cause is that Snap! is trying to load the library to show the blocks, and that slows my machine down. Perhaps there should be an option to load the blocks in large libraries before you import them, so the first freeze doesn't occur?
what do you mean with it "freezes"? It just loads the blocks, right? And while it's doing that user interaction is blocked. But then Snap becomes interactive again. in order to "show the blocks" Snap needs to read and parse the library, which is the same thing as importing it.
I assume pajamaclaws is talking about previewing each block separately from a category, and not loading all of them at once.
I think they just want something like this.
When you click on a library, it does not load the library at all. Instead, there will be a button to preview the library, which will load the library and show the blocks.
I don't think they were asking to only load select blocks (although personally I would love the ability to only import select blocks, because you have no idea how many libraries I've loaded, just for a single block).
Importing large libraries twice increases the time in which user interaction is blocked by 2x, because user interaction is blocked while blocks are loaded for the user to view in the menu and user interaction is blocked while actually importing the library into the project.
That's my suggestion, yeah.
Imho what this user really wants is for us to keep thumbnails of the libraries so that we can display a preview without parsing the actual library at all.
Although I guess another possible approach would be to parse the library, but stop after the first 10 blocks (so the preview wouldn't be scrollable, which is also undesirable).
It's really an issue only for SciSnap, so you could imagine having a special case solution just for that one.
I have a hunch that the biggest issue is not loading the library, but instead rendering all the blocks. We had an isdue not too long ago that rendering a lot of text results in snap freezing. I think that mught be similar ti what us happening here. However, that is just my hunch, and it could very well just be loading the library itself.
actually, this seems to also be an issue for <REDACTED> and tunescope on my school computer
Hence, thumbnails. PNGs. Already rendered.
haha blaming it on only the contributed libraries
but really, it is annoying trying to find a block in a library and accidentally clicking on one of these three libraries.
This has also happened to me multiple times. I been working on a project, attempted to load a library, accidentally clicked on SciSnap!, Tunescope, or C&C, and had to wait ages or had to close the tab entirely, losing work in the process.
Okay, yes, we should try to make the library dialog coexist with doing other work in parallel, but my guess is that that's too hard to happen any time soon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i.e., load it async as opposed to sync
what's wrong with colors+crayons
bh only wanted to blame scisnap and tunescope, which are contributed libraries, but bh made colors and crayons himself.
ah ok
It was specifically made by bh.