Has this always been here? and Bug?


moew of course!


I know you pretty well for never having met you...

I am first on your "Most Replied To" list.

I'm stupid :D

How do you "like" somebody..?

likes were disabled, so you can't. They actually got enabled mid... 2020? I can't remember. But they were then disabled again because @bh doesn't like "likes". I don't blame him, I prefer not to think of anyone as popular on a forum about programming, and likes tend to do just that.

Oh, yeah I like that.


WHENEVER I SEE SOMEONE LESS FORTUNATE THAN I (and let's face it- who isn't- less fortunate than I?) MY TENDER HEART TENDS TO START TO BLEEEEEEEEEED and when someone needs a makeover I simply have to take over...

/ly. wicked is amazing go watch it.


k that's not part of the topic, please don't "necropost"
i don't know the term for saying something that isn't part of the topic :frowning:

I would say the term is offtopic. I believe my post, because it is under details tagged as unrelated, is fine.

On-topic, I don't believe we (or maybe just I) can help fix a block that we don't know the code of.

yes, ik

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