GROS is back!

GROS (game ratings of snap) is back!! (aka: Hyposyn Ratings)

Introducing refreshes to our ratings:

Age Ratings

All ages
Simple games like a puzzle game

Skilled 8+
For people with more experience, so like, Etherknox, Clickr, A Perfectly Normal Clicker Game, etc.

Advance 10+
Full reading capabilities, such as dyeio3, hyposyn arena.
maybe mild violence

Advance 12+
Operating System simulators, (SnipOS, LunarOS, ArcticOS) Advance games, etc.

Score Ratings

Basically our detailed opinion on how your game is

we rate from 1-10, every 8,9,10 rating = 1 star. 10 stars = silver certification (your game could be put in a video or something)

More stuff coming in a few days, link your project if you want us to rate it!


You should do ages: All, 8+, 10+, 12+

Alright ill fix i forgot that palori was for music lmao


You should change the name because you also rate software like OS's.

Yeah, i did but earthrulerr was like "gtrhftuhiugtrhgoiweugoig change back!!!"

i'm changing it to Hyposyn Ratings

Uh... How hard is it for the average 6 yr. old to tap a mouse button? (clickers)

You should be able to read by 8 years?

I just said “why”…?

Fine then. it doesn't really matter.

bro i was joking.

Off-topic but YOOOOOOOO LETS GO!!!

i'm regular again!!!

uhhh huh

ack light theme fvjhjhgh


What were you?

Forum dark theme is broken.

uh, no?

For me it is…

i use to be member then regular, then member and now I'm regular again.
