
(I'm sorry if this is the wrong section to put this btw) So, this website hasn't been all that fun. I mean, looking at the code, it looks like an older version of Scratch, I don't see any games or animations, and every time I search for something, it's the simple "click on the character and make it do something". Some characters are literally from Scratch
(Snap! Version)
(Scratch Version)
I don't find this place entertaining. I see people talking about science and stuff, which is very boring (in my opinion). I really want to like this website, but there's nothing interesting... Goodbye.

It is an older version of Scratch. And, by the way, calling it a "version" of Scratch really does it a disservice. After all, this is definitely a copy of Scratch, but it's not just a copy of Scratch; it's definitely its own entity. Refer to this post that our lovely moderators made.

On behalf of the Snap! Community, however, I understand why you'd want to leave Snap!. Something that could appeal to a certain community like you, doesn't have to necessarily have to appeal to you specifically.

I encourage you to come back sometime though: we are looking to improve the website.

I wouldn't call it a "disservice", it's literally just the old version of Scratch. For example, the only thing different is a few blocks, like being able to make your own blocks on all types of blocks rather than one.

Actually, it is. It even has the green flag. All they did was change Scratch cat to a pointer.

I perfectly understand this. It seems this forum is more about science and stuff. I only see people talking about problems they've had with a project or something like that.

What is good about this website??? This is literally a copy, not much difference in looks, even characters. I don't understand why you like this website, but I respect your opinion.

No no no no! Snap is not a copy of scratch, and shares no source code with scratch, so it is not an old version of scratch! Snap is inspired by scratch.


It's still not a copy of scratch, it just uses a similar ui design (keyword: similar, it is not the same).

Then, can you explain this?

Snap! was inspired by Scratch, but has its own source code nowadays. While Scratch is kept simple on purpose, so as not to scare away kids and absolute beginners at coding, Snap! has many advanced features, making an interesting environment even for e.g. college students. If you decide to stay after all, you’ll definitely learn about what it can do for you.

The Snap! mascotte or logo (Alonzo) was also inspired by the Scratch mascotte (Gobo). Its tail is different, representing the greek letter lambda, of renowned mathematician Alonzo Church’s “lambda calculus”, another of Snap! ‘s sources of inspiration.

Looking at the editor, I think not.

I already know what it can do for me. Make me bored. I've seen no games or animations. Just science, one of the most boring subjects in the world.

Alonzo is Gobo, Alonzo is the older looking Gobo. He's the exact same as him, only a name change has occured. And the Scratch mascot is Scratch Cat, not Gobo. The thing on Gobo's head is not a tail.

Have you not used the Snap! editor for very long? Many things make Snap! more advanced than Scratch. It's not just about looks. It's about functionality.
One of the most obvious features is that, unlike Scratch, you can make your own custom reporters. Metaprogramming allows you to build scripts on the fly. Variables aren't restricted to just numbers. They can contain sounds, booleans, and even references to sprites. Hyperblocks make programming easier and faster. There is no clone limit. You can create script-only variables. These are just a few of the things you can do in Snap! that you can't in Scratch. According to your profile, you've only been on Snap! for less than a week. Give Snap! a chance. Build something you couldn't with Scratch.

Yes, but it's still a copy of the old Scratch.

If I were to put the same thing I do into Scratch right now, it'd be exactly the same.

In Scratch, you can make sprites glide from a place to another. It's the exact same thing.

The only thing that's useful for, is a sound test from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Okay, so???
While a nice option, the only thing I see a use for, is adding enemies on screen.

Even if I would "build something I couldn't with Scratch", I don't think anyone would care. People seem to only care about fixing bugs with their projects, and science. How fascinating. :exploding_head: (I'm being sarcastic)

Snap! doesn't have as big as a community as Scratch. Share something interesting here on the forum and someone will see it :slight_smile: After all,

You won't know if your statement is true unless you try.

Isn't that what programming is? Making something, then finding bugs? Fixing them?

cough cough

Did you read these posts?

Snap! isn't a copy of Scratch. Read this forum post from the FAQ.

That's because your not utilizing Snap!'s features. Your programming like you are still in Scratch.

Read this, then come back and let's talk.

Will do.

Yes, but if I only see stuff about fixing bugs, it's quite boring.

I clicked on the link. All I see is hat stacking and a bootleg Pokemon called Poke Wan.

Yes, I read the post. If it's inspired, then it should be different. There IS a difference, but it's very subtle.

I have no idea why you put this link here when I said that you could already make sprites "fly".

I read it, and it's still just a slightly different Scratch. I know you guys are tryna be like "but it's more advanced", but it's Scratch with more features. This feels like a ripoff.
Yes, I've seen this, it's still just a more advanced Scratch for more advanced people.

Great! :slight_smile:

If you're talking about the forum, that's what it's made for.

You're being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. You said you couldn't find stuff that wasn't science, so I gave you stuff that wasn't science.


Use Snap! for a while. Discover what makes it not Scratch. :slight_smile:

As far as I can tell, Scratch does not have metaprogramming. If you could share an example of metaprogramming in Scratch, that would be greatly appreciated. And I suggest actually clicking on the Wikipedia link this time and reading it :slight_smile:

No, I'm not. Just because I have a different opinion doesn't make me stubborn. Personal attacks does not make your point clearer whatsoever. I just don't like science. Okay?

I gave you a collection of games! You didn't even go to the next page! You described two games and probably didn't even play them. I can go on Scratch right now and find the same stuff.

I have no reason to click on the link. in Scratch, you can make sprites glide. You said stuff about making sprites flying, basically the same thing. It has nothing to do with metaprogramming.

I'm not talking about sprites. Reread my post.

Scripts, not sprites.