Get <= and >= symbols in custom reporter

Anyone know how to get the

symbols into a custom reporter?


Those are just unicode characters. On a Mac you can use the "Edit => Emoji & Symbols" to find them, or you can simple copy & paste the characters from where you find them, e.g. here: ≤ and ≥

(nice reporter, btw, looking vaguely familiar, haha!)

Ta :slight_smile:
Star_Trek_Mayfield_1972_11Mar21 script pic (1)

I've given you full credit :slight_smile:


Blocks only

<blocks app="Snap! 6," version="1"><block-definition s="%&apos;low&apos; &lt; %&apos;value&apos; &lt; %&apos;high&apos;" type="reporter" category="operators"><header></header><code></code><translations></translations><inputs><input type="%s"></input><input type="%s"></input><input type="%s"></input></inputs><script><block s="doReport"><block s="reportLessThan"><block s="reportMonadic"><l><option>abs</option></l><block s="reportDifference"><block s="reportDifference"><block var="value"/><block var="low"/></block><block s="reportDifference"><block var="high"/><block var="value"/></block></block></block><block s="reportDifference"><block var="high"/><block var="low"/></block></block></block></script></block-definition><block-definition s="%&apos;low&apos; ≤ %&apos;value&apos; ≤ %&apos;high&apos;" type="reporter" category="operators"><comment w="90" collapsed="false">Reports true if value &gt;= low AND &lt;= high</comment><header></header><code></code><translations></translations><inputs><input type="%s"></input><input type="%s"></input><input type="%s"></input></inputs><script><block s="doReport"><block s="reportLessThanOrEquals"><block s="reportMonadic"><l><option>abs</option></l><block s="reportDifference"><block s="reportDifference"><block var="value"/><block var="low"/></block><block s="reportDifference"><block var="high"/><block var="value"/></block></block></block><block s="reportDifference"><block var="high"/><block var="low"/></block></block></block></script></block-definition></blocks>

Nice! You know, I have to admit that the night before my "No Code" talk I was up awake at 3 AM fiddling with this Perlin noise project changing it from HOFs to hyperblocks and this one block took me over 2 hours to figure out. I'm so not a mathematics person, and I guess it wasn't my time of day either :slight_smile:

But why not
untitled script pic (16)

this is what I started out with, but it's not "hyperizable", because or and and are short-circuited. So I needed something that would work as hyperblock.

I am curious how did you make it hyperizable anyway.

well, we're currently resisting hyperizing special forms such as reporter-if/else, or, and etc, because these will evaluate one or more inputs repeatedly or after they've been called instead of before. Therefore we cannot guarantee that they will, in fact, ever terminate, and so we have to be careful to execute them in a controlled, safe way that lets the user stop them without crashing Snap. This safe, controlled way prevents us from making them ultra-fast as we're doing with hyperblocks. So I wanted to get rid of the and reporter by using arithmetic, and it so happens I suck at math :wink:

if you're on windows, you can press win + "." (period) or win + ";" (semicolon) to open the emoji keyboard? idk what it's called. Then you click on the Symbols tab (Ω) then click on the math tab at the bottom (∞) then scroll down until you find the ≤ and ≥, then click on the symbol you want to type it.

Do you means? Test project
In Range script pic (2)
In Range script pic (6)

Accompanied with
In Range script pic (7)
In Range script pic (8)

In Range script pic (10)
In Range script pic (9)

Defined this way can be hyperized to the whole
In Range script pic (13)
In Range script pic (14)

If you want blocks for a value being in a range, you really need two more blocks for the semi-open cases. A very common example is 0 ≤ x < 1. (I mean, if you want them as general tools. I don't know the application you guys are discussing.)

My awesome Jens Mönig, just press "option" ("alt") with the "," or "." and take "≤" "≥" in the
ABC Keyboard (don't use the "shift" to make this) there are easy :wink: :+1: :wave: :star_struck: :slightly_smiling_face:

Your example are awesome, Brian Harvey.
A number is 0 ≤ x < 1 is the 0 self, or 0.5 . Too easy :innocent: :blush: :smiley: :star_struck: :grinning:

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