Garry’s mod 3D

I need help with a Garry’s mod 3D

Oh okay, just saw this post.
You got a base project yet?

Okay I am good at math but only trig and I am in *** grade so I need a raycasting base project

[Edit by moderator.]

And I need to add stuff to it and maybe we can collab

and And I need to add stuff to it and maybe we can collab

You should probably try making a 2D Adaptation first? Or at the very least a 2.5D (Isometric) version of GMod. With an Isometric version, you don't need to worry about anything like renderers or anything.

How about just isometric GMod

How bout just isometric GMod

Posted it twice? Also yes we should.

Yes sorry it’s just I thought you wouldn’t respond only because i didn’t reply to you

I am gonna work on the idea

Here is the idea ignore your text here

Or we could use sprites

Hey slate

you could use griffpatch's raycasting tutorial

Hey bh! How are you but thank you

Because I forgot

Hey slate!

that could help out

That’s not 3d though that’s 2d