Game help

hi me and my freiend henhen123 are making a game we just want to know how to make it online and how to make a chat (if possible) thx :pray:

I literally just said this:

@moderators please make FAQ

ok no chat

what about the oneline part

Me and @avi_shor are working on it!


They're making a online engine thing. Hang on, I'll give you a link.

Is this what you're talking about, @sathvikrias?

Thx you can help with the game if u want were doing a collab

You can collab if u want


avi_shor/sathvikrias and I are making a cloud project editor independently, but I assume that's not at all what @kingnico1133 is looking for

No I can mabey us it

i'd give you the code to my chat project, but, uh...

(that quote is from the forum thread about my chat project)

Ok no chat but what about the online

Creating an online multiplayer game is fine.

thank you

2 posts were split to a new topic: Making Pong