Funny programming language in snap! (Part 2)

Because that's not

variable names dont need to have english syntax

@sathvikrias could you decide this?

my attempt in answering lots of these:


I do not like those wordings.

create the script variables "4 c w e f g t w 9 e 5 8 7", "h e l i c o p t u r", and " s a t h v i k r i a s"

arghhh I'm not using these $s

a lot of english, a teeny bit of the easy to type part.

yes they do

uhh, ok?

not for me, i can create a variable with whatever name i want

well i am

No, I mean how will it READ variables with spaces?

no offense, this is ESL (english syntax language), not EETTL (english easy to type language.)

no $ signs. @sathvikrias said.

how will arrays work then

oh– i haven't thought about that yet.

Oh, Ok, I assumed that this is EETTL. I can work with this.

[hello world]


ok fine i will use

$[var name]
$var name$
"list name" = {
"Empty Pokeballs"
"Charmander Pokeball"
"Item 3..."
"Item 4..."
"Last Item" }

anyway i dont want arrays, lists are easier

yeah, that's fine.

well that won't be included in any version of ESL.

then use lists

(item1, item2, item3)

my head hurts. You want a list-like data type??

that should be for arguments
anyway arrays are literally just lists but named differently

[quote="4cwefgtw9e587, post:78, topic:5858"]
?? also, I would like dictionaries to be a separate data type, but you can still have multi dimentional lists