Funny programming language in snap! (Part 2)

Setting functions:

set function make-a-square($param1, $param2) do /*How could this be formatted to allow for spaces?*/

Running functions:


How's that?

void function hello world do
write "hello world" with a new line

hello world

then you can't put "do" at the end of function names. make the function name a string

void function "hello world" do
write "hello world" with a new line

hello world

also how would you make params

exactly, brackets can be used like this in english.

I mean JS is good as in readability, except some Spaghetti code

Not necessarily. Only certain values are legal, so it makes sense to view them as symbols rather than as text.

do ... done?

so like this

//insert code here 

yeah. Does that feel less weird?

kind of but i still like using

//code here


//code here

It's not really english syntax though...

i know

Terminal Commands, these run with the "program itself" as an a object.

Create Variable "string" with (value) -- Creates a variable

display(value) -- sort of like the print command in python or console.log in JS

wait (value) sec -- You know what this is, simply pause 1 second

make Object called "string" -- Makes a sprite appear at x:0 y:0, it appears as a TURTLE.

Change (variable name) to (value)

set (object name) to (picture)

do [  -- The Old REPEAT BLOCK
] 10 times

Object Commands, these run with the Object in mind.

tell "object name" to [
] --Tells object to do this.

go to 0, 0, -- go to x, y

pen("down or up") -- Toggles Pen

//what more could I do?
switch pen status
pen down // reports if the pen is down

also if there's

tell object to [

then there should be

ask object for (stuff goes here)

also variables are like this

create the variables ($var, $var2)
set $var to 6
set $var2 to 8
set $sum to $var + $var2
write $sum with new line

oh yea

wait 1 sec

should be

sleep 1 sec

repeat is good

change $varname to thing
// is just the same as
set $varname to thing
//do you mean
change $varname by 2

make object called "sprite"
should be

make an object called "sprite name"

without the an, it wouldn't be englishy

I am trying to balance between being englishly and being easy to type commands. you can anyways still read it and it would make sense.

I mean actually do mean

change "var name" to thing,


oh, i thought that you were talking about

change $var by 2

Why would variables need a dollar sign? It also makes more sense to create each variable separately. There is a reason why both python:

var1 = 1
var2 = 2

and JS:

var var1 = 1;
var var2 = 2;

both need to make the vars separately. It just makes more sense and

create the variables ($var, $var2)

would be ungrammatical if you only needed one variable.

create the variables ($var)

the dollar sign is very useful

1 reports 1 right? what if we created a variable called 1 and set it to 2?
1 would report 1 and $1 would report 2. The dollar sign is to let the computer know that it is a variable