Forums Load Even When There Is No Internet

Yeah because I do not know how to take screenshots.

mac or windows?


Windows key + Print Screen key

Thanks! It worked.

Np and show me the pic if you have it on drive

Here you go-

huh :thinking: I will try

It worked omg! :frowning:


it is not just snap here are other sites that use the same forum system :frowning::
![Screen Shot 2020-05-11 at 8.38.17 pm|690x387]

Which means this is a discourse problem.

Well someone should report it

I am not so sure. If someone should do that, then it would probably be cycomachead or bh. But this is a cute little bug bringing benefits, in my opinion.

If they're using web workers that's not a bug; they're doing it on purpose.

I see.