Forums Load Even When There Is No Internet

It comes to me from Jens. I don't know where he gets it...

Possible source of this information - deprecation warning for similar function in another scope.

Snap already uses alternative concept (Function() object) for reportJSFunction. Is "eval()" used in any context other then TextMorph, for debug purposes, I suppose?

Standard builtin function "eval()" is considered harmfull but still present

Thanks for researching this.

Here's a new example:
This is how it actually should look(the screenshot was taken using Chrome), but instead of the T-rex, I could view my project, and the project was working well.

What counts is not just the physical size of the picture on your screen, but also the pixel density. You should be able to ask whatever software you display images with for the pixel dimensions of the image. High is good, for being able to grow the picture without fuzzing.

I see.

also, you will want to cache. the cache literally makes things run faster. that's what the cache is supposed to do.

That is true. But it wastes storage.

Whether or not it's a waste depends on how much speed it gives you, and how much you care. Without its hardware caching, your computer would run about 1000 times as slowly. You would probably care about that! And that's not even considering virtual memory, the storage on disk of what the program thinks is memory, which is a kind of caching in which the main memory caches the disk.

I don't get it.

It would be easier to help you if you said what you don't get. Do you know what a cache is, for example? Where did I lose you?

Sorry. I am on my mobile phone. And thus it is hard to quote.

What do you mean by this part? If I am using Chrome, it will use my Gmail storage or what?

no, your computer storage.

I see. Thank you.

It won't load the pic it say it is in your bin

Yeah, I moved it there. I will recover it.

The link XD. it says dead in it

I just restored it.


It picks up the text but not every thing else