After having this project shared for a while, it is lucky for me that the new TOTM is about food.. so here is a game where you play as a frog trying to eat as many flies as possible. Space to jump forward!
Uhhh, you can drag the flies to the frog
Oh, Its also really slow.
It is?
Yeah, you move very slowly.
Each different bit of terrain changes your speed. Go on different terrain.
My highest score: 24
I wonder what the optimal score is on this game, who can take advantage of the terrain the best? I think I've gotten around 30 before.
Maybe, anyways.. I got a score of 27!
Heh, I got 30!
NICE. Let's aim for 35 now. Lolol
Holy crap the grindd
I know right. I went as fast as I could that was my ........ 7th attempt I think.
Dang, I have only ever gotten 30 at the very most..
cool, im gonna try some more.
I got 63.
If you want to edit this do so! it are high scores!
sirhops board!
- 26
- 38
- 40
- 49
- 103!
- playing soon!
joes board!
- 24
- 30
- 63
spoosh board!
- 30
- 27
coder_07's board!
- playing soon!
I played it for a few hours.