Fish Eaters (Part 1)

ok. what other ideas does anyone have?

Can I help in any way

By giving us an idea before the demo comes out.

what are the characters? where are they? why are they eating fish? why are they competing against each other?

All-right. I'm working on a website for this lol on a un-named website

where is it hosted? I can make a website

on replit, I will not link to it because bh does not like that.(hint : ends in .com)

invite MadPickle to collab on that repl, thats my account


I don't see it

whats your account name?


add me to the team!!! also invite the user not the link

when I try to join the repl it gives a 404 error

i quit, make your own repl or something, but share it with @dolphin30

Hello! Has anyone made a start yet?

everybody, can have vacation.

@spacer can we make a library for UI in snap! ? We can use it for this game!

yes! we'll make it for this game! @sir_kitten