find first itemblock broken

GIT docs

warped-wart_wars isn't working with a local git repository - they are just editing their branch/fork using the online editor

Of course, there is a paragraph "Syncing a fork from the web UI"

CLI version is a second option...

The "Fetch upstream" button is what I use for it.

offtopic (ish)

I wonder why there's a metaphor A REPO IS A STREAM...

Because it's a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph), which means it flows from a starting point (or points, but repos typically have one root) in one direction (increasing time -> later versions). You can look it up...


Back to help screens--is this ok?: (I started with joecooldoo's APPEND help screen)

(For the record, we've since had some discussion of this on the github PR page.)

Which you should check because I posted a comment there.

So you did. Okay, don't worry about it. (As I said on another thread, today's not my day.)

It also has a question in it. Specifically:

Can you give me separate images for each of the rectangles?

Oh. That didn't show up in the email notice I got. :~(

No, I was almost finished with the first round of helpscreens, way back when, before I learned that it might be a good idea to save the Photoshop picture files as well as the .png flat pictures. Even before saving files, I used to constantly flatten pictures I was working on, because I got all confused when I tried to do something to a part of the picture that wasn't in the layer I was in. (I still don't really know how to make Photoshop work. I see professionals working in it, and it just magically reads their mind and does what they want. Whereas with me, it reads my mind and does the opposite of what I want.)

tl;dr: No.

That's because it was edited.

In that case, I might be able to extract them myself. The main issue is that I don't know how to handle partially-transparent pixels.

I extracted them! My technique worked! Now each rectangle is on its own layer, along with the background layer that's a solid color.

Cool! Well done.

Now I have a template for any help screen.