Export zip js

so we cant use external libraries in snap?

I've got a solution working:
untitled script pic - 2023-03-28T164716.453

The code() reporter I have here simply reports its input, which is set to code (under special).

does it import a script or make a zip file

let me check that out

This code runs a JavaScript script that you provide as a module. This enables you to make an import statement.

can you send me code you did?

I'm still working on a valid JS script.

okay thanks

Okay. Looking at links previously sent (and JSDelivr), I made this:
untitled script pic - 2023-03-28T172013.581

You can replace the inputs to the line zip.file with whatever you want or need.

woooow cool!

you can actually make "run js" block with input

What do you mean?

i mean like, custom block, just for it to look simpler

Oh, yeah, you totally could, I just did it like this to show under the hood. Like, how it works.

can i still see a block?

wait sry i didnt know we can import block using png

btw do u know, how do we include folders there?

No, sorry.

EDIT: It looks like the JSZip thing does have an API for making folders, but I just don't have time to look at it right now. I'll look at it later and get back to you if I find anything new.

np u already helped me much thanks

i made it
untitled script pic