Everytime I try to boot up my game I get an error saying "inside a custom block Hmmm... a variable name of _embroider does not exist in this context the question came up at (Item my name of _embroider). Not sure what I could've done so any help would be appreciated
can I see the game url?
It looks like you loaded the embroidery library. Are you using it, or did you just import it out of curiosity? If you're not actually using it, you can hold shift and click on the gear icon and then click on "Primitives palette".
The reason this issue occurs, is because the embroidery library replaces some primitive blocks, and when you delete the (_embroider)
variable, the blocks will break.
is this the right link? not sure how to share I'm pretty new to this site
just reload the embroidery library. (go to file>libraries and load the embroidery library in again.)
Since they're not using the embroidery library, it's better for them to do this to get it working correctly again.
what does it do though, and which primitive blocks are replaced?
That option returns removes all customized primitives, making them all use the primitive function.
ohh ok. makes lots of sense. but
Thank you guys so much you are all amazing
Oh I didnt know that worked on customized primitives.
I found out when creating my snap to snapblocks converter project (I was testing different situations).
Hi, I'm sorry you encountered this issue, and I'm curious whether we should add a way that makes it easier for folks to reset the palette blocks. In order to better understand how this happened to you I'm very interested how you began your project. Could you let us know whether you at one point imported the "Embroidery" library, and then at some later time unloaded "Unused blocks", or whether you started from some other project, possibly by remixing a starter that was given to you. In short, I'd love to understand how your project ended up with remnants or the "Embroidery" library, because it clearly was never intended to be about stitching patterns on a sewing machine. Thank you!
Because of this type of issue, I created a way to have a separate set of variables you are working with - created, deleted, set, and accessed through this block:
It uses the "Block Variables" feature, storing in a two dimensional list the name, value, and locality of all "variables" used with that block. I haven't perfected it yet, but if libraries use this block instead of the built in variable blocks and hide this block in the palette, then there would be no issue with variables already existing in a user's script - or them accidentally getting deleted.