Error catching blocks

ok do you want blocks in the rings for a test.
also how did you reply in three letters it has to be five or more.

Actually shift :gear:

he's basically saying, "why don't you guys just look for the new things"


I wasn't talking about

; I was referring to

. When this version is officially released, you can put the different applications in different



[offtopic] @bh when will you add cloud broadcasts to Snap! 7.0? (I am asking here because you didn't make a 7.0 discussion topic.)[/offtopic]

I don't think he said anything about cloud broadcasts in 7.0


Afaik that's not on the immediate horizon.

What does that mean?

as far as i know

Lunar OS? What would help it?

I'd assume around X more days, where X is a positive integer.

9007199254740991 days?, I meant X as in the letter variable commonly used in algebra, to denote a number whose value is unknown. I have no idea where you got 9007199254740991

9007199254740991 is for the biggest integer thats safe from rounding if not Bignum
It represents "an insanely big number"

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