When you go to export a custom block, it says 'including dependencies'
But when you edit a primitive block and have it in there, it dose not include it's definition into the dependencies.
When you go to export a custom block, it says 'including dependencies'
But when you edit a primitive block and have it in there, it dose not include it's definition into the dependencies.
That's right, and that's - for now - on purpose. Single blocks, scripts and script pics don't include customized primitives, but instead reference them by name only. That way importing them into another project will not change the target project's primitives. This is kind of a big deal, so looking at someone else's code doesn't change your project in ways that you can't easily track let alone undo.
There is - as of now - one exception: Snap! does support customized primitives when you create a library.
In general I'm as much excited about folks (like you) who love tweaking their own blocks and changing primitives, as I'm upset about it. I'd much, much, much rather see folks program interesting projects that do interesting things than relentlessly fidget around with variadic inputs and unnecessary metaprogramming. That doesn't mean that I want you to stop, but I'll likely start to push back on reports such as this one if I find the community in this forum to obsess too much over highfalutin' pseudo-advanced metaprogramming stuff.
I've been working on
(you helped with the last part with figuring out slot type 112)
But in order to make it work the original broadcast block had to be modified
Ok what do you mean by library, is that the stuff you publish, or can I make my own.
you can make your own library using javascript using a built in snap API this might be off topic ima delete it later
no please go further
so snap has a built in api that you can use using the run blocks and javascript you can create your own library/blocks it allowsyou to make blocks and buttons in the script tab that do other things that can interact with snap itself youcan also create blocks
the api is called snapExtensions ypu should learn it
as in these blocks?
no i mean with the run block and javascript extensions on but that can also be a alternitave but idk how those extension blocks work im not used to 10.0
but qwith run block instead of call
yes I know, I just needed a call for that.
just want to let you know you still can edit primitive block definition using
Geez, I know (you're talking to the guy who made this). Listen, I don't want to be roped into more of such discussions. If you share something you made that delights me I'll respond enthusiastically, but if it's just jerking around with blocks I'm not interested.
I think he means a collection of custom blocks, not anything to do with javascript (those are snap extensions, and they use the extension [ V] [] @delInput @verticalEllipsis @addInput