Dutch translations

(Couldn’t find the right category)

hue = tint
pipe = pijplijn
when anything is edited = wanneer iets wordt bewerkt
define block = definieer blok
delete block = verwijder blok
set label of block = maak label van blok
definition = definitie
category = categorie
scope = domein
slot = vakje
defaults = standaardinstellingen
translation(s) = vertaling(en)
rank = rang
dimensions = afmetingen
flatten = sla plat
columns = kolommen
distribution = verdeling
reverse = keer om
lines = regels
reshape to = hervorm naar
combinations = combinaties
insert = voeg … in

I think you should add these missing key-value pairs to the Dutch translations file yourself. You can find instructions on Github.

Are you Dutch?

I’m a native speaker, of course. Can an ordinary user actually change “official” Snap ! files? Where on Github did you find such instructions?

I found this in the Contribution Guidelines

I don't think it matters that much. For example, user @hm100 translated a Snap! into Greek.

OK, thanks!

After adding/modifying the Dutch translation you can start a pull request on the Snap! GitHub page.

Let us know if you need help! It would be awesome to add these translations!