the thing that isn't supported here (after a lot of annoying fiddling with devtools to find out where it even checks this stuff) is the "aspect-ratio" css property, which as far as i can tell is only used for a tiny tweak during page loading.
since my browser doesn't support this tiny page loading tweak, it doesn't allow signing in or viewing recent posts, so the forum is basically unusable unless i fiddle around with the devtools on every single page
considering what i've heard from jens about all the hacks that have been done to support more browsers, i find it odd that the forums would have artificially limited browser support. it probably also results in a lot less people using the forums.
could the forums be patched to remove or change this browser check? the file is in assets/scripts/browser-detect.js
no, i'm not going to "just update the browser". i'm not in the mood to explain why because it'll almost certainly go down some rabbit hole about the "best" browser.