Even though it's not good enough to use in normal project contexts, I'll still provide the block here:
I haven't added coloring to text or any other values yet. I will work on this block sometime soon.
September 23, 7 hours later:
I added 3 more blocks with custom dialogs, blocks, colors, messages, pretty much whatever. Even though these are basic compared to the show formatted message block, I'll still show it.
We should use a serif font for everything! That's one of the design decisions Scratch got wrong (although I admit display resolution was lower back then).
nearly every serif font is harder to read than nearly every sans font, and it would be incredibly difficult to read at the size of the default snap blocks. it's already hard enough to read the snap blocks at default size on my 1080p monitor, i imagine it would be far worse on a school chromebook, which is usually 768p and extra small. why would you want this?
This is what snap blocks look like with my browser's default serif font (Times New Roman), with the font size set to 14 (I had to increase it, because it was too small).
I personally don't think this looks good, but then again, it might just be the fact that I'm using Times New Roman, instead of a better serif font (I don't know what is better).
tinos is metrically compatible with times new roman. the point is that things like chromeos can render webpages that use times new roman properly without paying for the actual times new roman font. google has made several fonts that are metric compatible with the common microsoft fonts.
Aesthetics aside (I think serif fonts look much better!), with a sans-serif font it's hard to distinguish capital I from lower case l, digit 1, or even vertical | bar: Il1|. (The font my browser is showing me makes the 1 more distinguishable than some others.) At small sizes, as in Snap! blocks, even lower case i sometimes looks like just a vertical line because the dot blends into the body of the letter. One of the webcomics I like has a character named "Lillium," and it's really hard to read his name in sans serif! Sometimes I can't tell the difference between a comma, and a period. (I'm farsighted.)
This isn't so bad when there's plenty of context, but seeing your computer-generated password in sans-serif is torture!
Introducing 4 new blocks:
show prompt dialog [Dialog title] message [I need your answer!] and send to [ V]:: looks
show prompt dialog [Dialog title] message [I need your answer!] color [rgb(145, 26, 68)] and send to [ V]:: looks
inform message [This is a small message.]:: looks
inform message [This is a message with buttons!] buttons []@delInput@verticalEllipsis@addInput:: looks
The blocks still use JavaScript, but that will change in a later update. I'll have the extension uploaded onto my Neocities page some time next week.