"Create Block" Block

also don't remove the </span> glitch.
People don't use it to abuse, we just don't want to have to type 3 or 2 other characters.

Installing the OS or the OS in action?

why are you installing windows 3.1, which is older than

Windows 95 requires a product key, and running 95 with DOSBox causes graphical glitches.

Where did you find that "definition of" block?

At the bottom of the Sensing category.




same site scripting!

Please do not necropost.

When a post is on your list, it doesn't mean it is popular. It just indicated a previous reply. Like the one I am typing. This topic should be bumped up to #1, hence the name "Bump", that is given to necroposts. A "bump" bumps up the topic so that it would get noticed.

Yes. &apos; means ' in HTML.


its my own topic....

Yes but that was kind of unnecessary.

ok, I should have read the warning instead of shrugging it off, I now know that it notifies everybody previously involved in the topic, sorry!

it doesn't notify people unless they have it set to notify them, it just bumps the topic to the top of the latest posts list (home page).

while talking about reviving Srcsite, it said it would notifies everybody.

well, it didn't notify me.

oh, idk