

Hello? Baritone?

Are you here?


This is not an instant messaging service, so please do not expect people to reply quickly. You may even go a day, or a week without getting replies. Also, keep in mind times are very different around the world, so someone could just be waking up, and another person could be going to sleep at the same time.

oh, and

Yeah but it’s not like I am posting my birthday

And location but I understand

Also do you know JavaScript?

Do you know javascript?

Yes I do know javascript, but I am preoccupied with other personal projects to give you ideas or snippets. I would suggest reading through the code, as well as reading the large comments at the top of the files.


You back yet? But I do not wanna spam so I will wait an while



Anyone here know javascript?

I need help and ideas

Again. I'm in chemistry.

Okay sorry

Help for chemistry: H2O2 hydrogen peroxide, —> is the result reaction, Pb lead, CO carbon monoxide which disturbs your hemoglobins and makes it so your blood cannot transfer oxygen which means you cannot breath and your blood vessels aren’t pumping anymore which means pale person