Cloud save vs. computer save

Hello Snap! community. I have a couple of questions about the Snap!Cloud for @jens but anyone else can answer.

  1. What are the pros and cons of saving a Snap! project in either the Snap!Cloud or one's computer? E.g., what can you do if you save it in one that you can't do if you save it in the other?
  2. I understand that

(Correct me if this is no longer the case). My question is, would it be easier on Jens's pocket if less people saved their projects to the cloud and saved them to their computer instead?
Thank you and have a good day.

Hi, welcome to the forum!

Benefits of saving to the cloud:

  1. You can access your project from any computer. In particular, if you're a student using Snap! in a class, you can access your project from school and from home.
  2. You can publish your project to share it with other Snap! users. In particular, if you're a student etc., your teacher may ask you to turn in assigned projects by sharing a URL.

Benefits of saving on your computer:

  1. Your project can be as big as you want. This may be the only option if you have a ton of media included in it.
  2. It works even if you're not on the Internet right now, e.g., you're in an airplane.
  3. You can export Snap! things other than complete projects, namely, one sprite, or a group of procedures (blocks), and then drag them into other projects.

About your second question, thank you for your concern. I am not Jens, but my guess is that a large majority of saved projects in the cloud are school assignments, and therefore any efforts by individual users will be unnoticeable in the big picture.

An exception to the above is that once in a while someone decides to use our cloud to save things other than computer programs, e.g., by wrapping a Snap! project around each song in their music library, and we consider that a violation of our Terms of Service.

If your project is especially media-heavy, you could consider not saving the media in the project, but instead having an initialization procedure that uses the URL block to download the media from wherever you got them in the first place.

On our list of things to do, for our super busy volunteer staff, is to implement a way for teachers to bulk-delete their students' assignments at the end of a course. That'd help reduce the size of the cloud more than efforts by individual users, I think.

Bottom line: We provide the cloud as a service to users, and we want users to use it! We want to encourage you to publish your original projects. Please don't feel guilty about that.

I don't really like this, because students may want to keep their projects. I know for sure I was very sad when my elementary computer lab teacher deleted my account on a typing website because I was no longer a student at the school. I feel like there may be projects that students may want to keep and not have to risk being deleted because they weren't told to back them up.

Yes of course. We could surround this feature with notices to users, easy bulk copying of projects from one account to another, etc. I think it's possible to get most of the benefit of bulk deletion without harming the student users.

Thank you Mr. Harvey (@bh) for your clear and informative answers, and for your kind and reassuring words. I'm sorry I have taken until now to respond but yesterday was a busy day. BTW, I thought it was supposed to say above my post ":handshake: This is the first time kanpai_856 has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!" (I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be able to see this as the author), but I'm not seeing it. How about you?

No I don’t think the author can see it but I can see “ This is the first time kanpai_856 has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!” perfectly

we all see it! (if it's your first post, you can't see it though.)

Thanks. I thought maybe something was wrong with the forum, but I had an inkling that being the author probably had something to do with it.

Welcome to the community!

One thing: It might not be a good idea to put exact latitude and longitude down to the second as your location. Most people who set that make it a joke, like RIGHT BEHIND YOU, or Not in Asia, instead of the location of your house.

also maybe not a good idea to quote it...

I was editing the post as you replied. :~|


I'm just mad at myself for not realising before I pressed C-Enter.

it's... really fine. nobody else will see it.

You could upload the xml file to a server and there's a way to open it with a special URL param in the snap editor

Sorry, you're right. I'll fix it.
[Edit] Fixed!