Can't interact with the UI

I was using the web application and I suddenly couldn't click out of the text input that I was changing

I can't click on any of the buttons in the editor so I can't save. Has anyone encountered this issue before?

I just looked in the console and got this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'definition')
at CustomBlockDefinition.isBootstrapped (byob.js?version=2024-06-12:1158:53)
at CustomCommandBlockMorph.toBlockXML (store.js?version=2024-07-24:2493:42)
at BlockMorph.toXML.BlockMorph.toScriptXML (store.js?version=2024-07-24:2434:22)
at (store.js?version=2024-07-24:128:19)
at CommandSlotMorph.toXML (store.js?version=2024-07-24:2663:27)
at (store.js?version=2024-07-24:128:19)
at store.js?version=2024-07-24:1991:41
at Array.reduce ()
at Array.toXML (store.js?version=2024-07-24:1990:17)
at (store.js?version=2024-07-24:128:19)

Occasionally things like this happen :frowning:

If you can come up with a repeatable sequence that shows the same issue, come back and report it again

I was able to recreate the bug.

So what I did was:

  1. Load the "Code Blocks to Code" library.
  2. Make a custom block.
  3. Set the selector to something that wasn't listed in the options.

I just realized that the "Code Blocks to Code" library has nothing to do with this bug.


I made a project that demonstrates the bug: Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

Yes- it locks up for me as well.

I'll "fix" this. You're supposed to know what you're doing when using selectors, and you obviously don't :slight_smile: