Build Your Own Snap!Arcade

We are proudly building a second Snap!Arcade Machine :slight_smile:
It would be so cool to have one at the snapcon19! cc @jens @bromagosa

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Hi Rita, this is great!

We are just teaching a Snap! introductory course for teachers ("Snap! Creative Learning, level I) and in its first module, showing the new social site, many teachers like your public projects.
I've pointed them to your web (, to see more... and maybe in the final projects (or maybe on level II) we can suggest to work on new games for the Arcade project.

See you (on SnapCon19 or earlier in Barcelona). Ah! Or maybe you want to participate in Robolot 2019 (on May 11)... it will be a SnapCatCon! (with Jens, Jadga, Bernat...)


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WOW, a SnapCatCon!!!, and before the official one, hehe :slight_smile:
Sure! See you in RobOlot!

Look how beautiful it is!

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I just saw this and was wondering how you are doing game selection on an arcade. I would completely love to build one for my kids and allow them to put the games they make on it for their friends to play. Was hoping for some kind of nice UI to scroll through games similar to other MAME cabinet interfaces.

Hi @nedens.

We're using a GNU/Linux installation with a custom browser UI. You can read all about it, step by step install instructions included, here:

Excellent thanks for the reply!

Hi again!

Our lovely Snap!Arcade is ready :slight_smile: The presentation will be this friday at 8pm Plaça Bonet i Muixí aka Plaça Malaga (Sants, Barcelona).

The decoration is a tribute to the people who participated in la Vaga/Strike de La Canadenca 1919. The other side, is painted a detail (father and daugther, and the sign) of an old photo of a demonstration to claim "El poble té dret a la cultura. Vetllem per l'educació dels nostres fills". (The people have the right to culture. Let us watch over the education of our children.)

Here a bilingual ca-en flyer and a roll-up

Here the old photo

Here our lovely machine :heart_eyes:

And now, we've got a bilingual flyer (ca-en) and a roll-up proudly made with Free Software (Inkscape), stored in our own cloud (Nextcloud) and promoted in ethical social networks :slight_smile:

Ieo, disculpes: al final, ni una cosa ni l'altra...

Per la RobOlot se m'obligava a fer servir un formulari de Guguel per inscriure'm... (pel mateix motiu vaig deixar d'assistir a les Jornades Programa del Citilab...) I per la Snap!Con, em vaig decepcionar tant amb el Feisruc que em vaig fer enrere...

En general, em decepciona molt que es focalitzi en la pirotècnia de les tecnologies creatives i es passi olímpicament de la sobirania tecnològica i l'ètica digital, deixant entrar alegrement el capitalisme cognitiu als espais i projectes de transformació social... Quousque tandem?

En fi, disculpes per haver dit que no venia i no haver-ho fet, que no volgut...

The Snap!Arcade on Barcelona local TV

Next stop, November 13th: some high-school students will come to play with the machine. And we will also explain them why ethical tech matters.

Free software, free society :slight_smile:

Hello! I am Ryan Easter, I am finishing up my Senior year at the Miller School of Albemarle and I am collaborating with The University of Virginia through my school's Applied Engineering program to contribute to the development of this project!

Arcade Project Sketchup

In the screenshot and link provided above, I used SketchUp to make a template of the project to make it easier for me to build and assemble the final product. I have decided to build the project out of plywood and will use this CAD design to cut the wood for the project. During this step of the process, I did not encounter any problems.

Hi, welcome to Snap!.