Browser Blocks

I made a custom extension that contains blocks that let you interact with the browser, and the user.

You can check it out with this link. Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

Browser Blocks script pic
And yes, I know, it's quite basic. And, as always, I'm open to feedback and ideas.

NEVER use join in a javascript function block

Instead pass in the value as an input

This will keep the user from typing stuff in the block and running code. For example running

Browser Blocks script pic (5)

will actually run

alert(""); console.log("I'm hacking"); //");

If you pass the value in as a value (like how I showed you), it will actually run

alert("\"); console.log(\"I'm hacking\"); //");

Oh, thanks, I didn't know that. I'll try to fix these

I finally got the "Search on Google" block working after I figured out how to join strings. I'm not really the best at JavaScript

i believe that's a quirk of relative URLs.

Okay, everything's fixed now. the only join blocks are the ones that are just hanging around because I had to paste from them.

