BOF Schedule!

BOF Schedule for Snap!Con 2020

Session 1: 10:50 AM - 11:20 AM PDT / 7:50 PM - 8:20 PM UTC+02

  • Room 1: AI and Machine Learning in Snap! (join here)
  • Room 2: Turtlestitch & Generative Art (join here)
  • Room 3: Middle School Curriculum (join here)

Session 2: 11:20 AM - 11:50 PM PDT / 8:20 PM - 8:50 PM UTC+02

  • Room 1: Cryptography for Young Scientists with Snap! (join here)
  • Room 2: Microcontrollers & Sensors -- Snap! and the Physical World (join here)
  • Room 3: Snap! in the High School Classroom (join here)